

教育的社会基础 draws upon several disciplines and fields to examine education, namely history, philosophy, 比较/博天堂官方, cultural studies, sociology, 政治科学. 社会基础探究有助于提高学生的理解能力, analyze, 解释教育问题, policies, 和实践,以提高教育.

Thus, the purpose of Social Foundations study is to draw upon these humanities and social science disciplines to develop students’ interpretive, normative, 以及对教育的批判性观点, 学校内外(社会教育基金会理事会), 1996, 2004). The development of such perspectives helps educators to “exercise sensitive judgments amidst competing cultural and education values and beliefs” (CSFE, 1996). 

而不是将教育简化为最佳实践的公式, courses in the 教育的社会基础 challenge students to think deeply about the relationships between education (formal and informal) and society(ies) at large.  Social Foundations encourages educators to use “critical judgment to question educational assumptions and arrangements and to identify contradictions and inconsistencies among social and educational values, policies, 和实践”(CSFE), 2004).



解释的角度来看: Students use concepts and theories from the humanities and social sciences to examine educational phenomena. 社会基础观点(比较), cultural, historical, and philosophical) are applied to examine and analyze an educational aspect or issue and these perspectives affect the meaning and interpretation of that educational issue.

规范的角度来看: Students examine education in relation to differing value orientations and assumptions about schooling and education. Educational issues, policies, and practices are examined in light of differing value positions and students engage in reflection and development of their own values about education (Kubow & Fossum, 2007).

关键的角度来看: Students develop the ability to question the contradictions and inconsistencies among educational values, policies, and practices.

How important are these 教育的社会基础 perspectives to teacher professional standards?

These perspectives are not only important to the development of pre-service and in-service educators but also central to the professional standards promoted by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). Thus, all preparation programs for prospective teachers and other professional educators must include study in the 教育的社会基础.

Principle #1: 教育者已经获得了资源的知识库, theories, distinctions, 以及在人文学科中发展起来的分析技术, the social sciences, 以及教育的基础. That is, the educator has developed habits of using this knowledge base in evaluating and formulating educational practice.

Principle #2: The educator understands and can apply normative perspectives on education and schooling. That is, the educator understands and employs value orientations and ethical perspectives in analyzing and interpreting educational ideas, issues, and practices.

Principle #3: The educator understands and can apply critical perspectives on education and schooling. That is, the educator has developed habits of critically examining educational practice in light of this knowledge base.

Principle #4: The educator understands how moral principles related to democratic institutions can inform and direct schooling practice, leadership, and governance. That is, the educator understands how knowledge from 教育的社会基础 illuminates the conditions that support education in a democratic society.

Principle #5: The educator understands the significance of diversity in a democratic society and how that bears on instruction, school leadership, and governance. That is, the educator understands how social and cultural differences originating outside the classroom and school affect student learning and how educational understanding includes sensitivity to human potentials and differences.

Principle #6: The educator understands how philosophical and moral commitments affect the process of evaluation at all levels of schooling practice, leadership, and governance.  That is, the educator can articulate the moral and philosophical assumptions underlying evaluation measures or processes.


Undergraduate Level

EDFI 2980:学校,社会和文化多样性(3学分,秋季,春季,夏季)

关键的跨学科教育考试, society, 以及美国的文化多样性. 对当代思想起源的探究, issues, 通过历史和哲学的学科来解决问题, 社会科学对学校教育之间关系的分析, diversity, 以及全球化社会中的制度问题. (Fulfills BG Perspectives Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) and Cultural Diversity in the US (CDUS) Requirements). 

EDFI 2990: Field Experience in Cultural and Community Contexts (1 cr, Fall, Spring, Summer)

教学研讨会和实地考察,重点是学习中的文化和社区.  Provides pre-service educators with supervised fieldwork experiences in schools or community agencies. 与EDFI 2980同时服用. 

Graduate Level

EDFI 6000:教育哲学

对与教育理论和实践有关的问题进行哲学博天堂官方网站. 阅读有影响的古典和当代哲学著作, educational theory, 以及邻近的学科. 阅读书目会根据课程重点而有所不同.

EDFI 6010:比较教育(秋季)

Comparative study and critique of the role of education in national and global development. 强调文化之间的相互关系, economic, and political factors and the roles of education in selected developed and developing nations.

EDFI 6020:教育史

当代教育理论、实践与改革的历史背景. 强调经验的多样性, 制度建设, 以及社会变革和教育之间的关系. Students are encouraged to develop focused research projects related to their professional and academic interests.

EDFI 6030:教育的社会和文化基础(秋季)

An interdisciplinary introduction to the concept of culture and its relation to education; cross-cultural and international education; globalization; text and language; immigration and displacement; human possibility, 主体性与同一性.

EDFI 7010:比较高等教育(春季)

An international, cross-cultural examination and analysis of educational issues and reforms in higher education.

EDFI 7600:博天堂官方政策(春季)

对历史的批判性考察, cultural, economic, social and political forces shaping education policy from an international and global perspective. 
