Regional 资源

Bowling Green's northwest Ohio location is ideal for day trips to a number of metropolitan areas within Ohio and in neighboring states.

安阿伯, Michigan is 70 miles north of Bowling Green (1.5 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 117,000人.

芝加哥, Illinois is 250 miles east of Bowling Green (4 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 2.700万人.

辛辛那提, Ohio is 185 miles south of Bowling Green (3 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 300,000人.

克利夫兰, Ohio is 120 miles east of Bowling Green (2 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 390,000人.

哥伦布, Ohio is 120 miles south of Bowling Green (2 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 800,000人.

底特律, Michigan is 80 miles north of Bowling Green (1.5 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 680,000人.

印第安纳波利斯, Indiana is 215 miles southwest of Bowling Green (3.5 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 850,000人.

匹兹堡, Pennsylvania is 235 miles southeast of Bowling Green (4 hour drive) and has a population of approximately 300,000人.

Updated: 01/25/2022 08:33AM