
生活设计 BGSU

As a university grounded in design thinking principles, BGSU students explore big questions – what they want to do and who they want to become – while shaping their college and career journey.


As a university grounded in design thinking principles, BGSU students explore big questions – what they want to do and who they want to become – while shaping their college and career journey.

As the only university in the country building this initiative to be offered to all undergraduate students at this scale, BGSU的生活设计是一个显著的区别.

是什么 生活设计 在BGSU?

在生命设计课程中, BGSU students learn to maximize their academic experience, 优先考虑他们的幸福, make connections that build an invaluable network while in college and jump-start their careers before graduation - all with a sense of purpose and forward momentum.

While each student journey is unique and students can enter the 生活设计 program at any time during their college experience, 大多数学生都是从 杰弗里·H. 拉德比尔大学与生活设计中心 to ensure they are positioned for success and supported at the early stages of their college journey. As the student progresses, they are introduced to the Michael and Sara Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections, which aims to help make key introductions for students with industry professionals that lead to mentorship, 合作社, 实习和充实的职业机会.

杰弗里·H. 拉德比尔大学与生活设计中心

杰弗里·H. 拉德比尔大学与生活设计中心

位于校园的中心,杰弗里H. 拉德比尔大学与生活设计中心 features inclusive and collaborative spaces for students to work with 生活设计 coaches as they design their college experience and gain tools and skills to design their life.


Michael and Sara Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections

The Kuhlin Career Hub supports student success as they plan and prepare for careers after graduation, providing resources for internship and co-op experiences, 研讨会, 专业发展, personalized recommendations to employer partners for campus engagement, 以及其他新兴需求.

生活设计之旅 一名BGSU学生

每个学生都有自己独特的道路. 生活设计 empowers you to create the college experience and career that is just right for you.

You will work with the 生活设计 team to develop a personalized experience that helps you graduate, launch a successful career and connect with a network of 200,000+猎鹰校友, 世界各地的专业人士和组织. And, if your plan changes, you’ll have the toolkit to pivot and design your way forward.

BGSU生活设计专业 has been a big part of helping me connect the dots, and seeing my dream start to take shape is so rewarding. ——Briyanna Moore
As a first-generation student, I didn't feel like I belonged at college. BGSU生活设计专业 helped me find my place, and now I'm more confident than ever in my future. ——德文·达尔
我的梦想一直是获得博士学位, 当我在路上遇到一些颠簸时, I used what I learned in 生活设计 to overcome those obstacles and work toward making my dream a reality. ——尼科尔·胡德
I thought I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, 当我开始质疑的时候, my 生活设计 coach offered me crucial support and reassurance as I designed a new path forward. ——凯蒂·霍尔


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